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    当代情人Modern Lovers

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      当代情人Modern Lovers当代情人Modern Lovers当代情人Modern Lovers当代情人Modern Lovers当代情人Modern Lovers

      Stéphane Gizard, french photographer lives and works in Paris. He specializes in portraits and celebrity portraits, taken all over the world. He works with well know magazines and some of the biggest advertising agencies. Over the past ten years, he has been relentlessly taking pictures of a specific age category (17/20 years) which he considers as a decisive phase between the end of adolescence and the beginning of adulthood, that time of life characterized by self-searching and fragility.

      Modern lovers is a personal book, an intimate book. It takes us into his world both sensual, aesthetic and graphic. These photos are for mostly taken in Paris between 2012 and 2015. Available HERE!



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